Using sparklyr in DatabricksMay 25, 2017 by Hossein Falaki in Engineering Blog Try this notebook on Databricks with all instructions as explained in this post notebook In September 2016, RStudio announced sparklyr , a new...
On-Demand Webinar and FAQ: Deep Learning and Apache Spark: Workflows and Best PracticesMay 23, 2017 by Tim Hunter and Jules Damji in Engineering Blog On May 4th, we hosted a live webinar — Deep Learning and Apache Spark: Workflows and Best Practices . Rather than comparing deep...
Running Streaming Jobs Once a Day For 10x Cost SavingsMay 22, 2017 by Burak Yavuz and Tyson Condie in Engineering Blog This is the sixth post in a multi-part series about how you can perform complex streaming analytics using Apache Spark. Traditionally, when people...
Taking Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming to ProductionMay 18, 2017 by Bill Chambers and Michael Lumb in Engineering Blog This is the fifth post in a multi-part series about how you can perform complex streaming analytics using Apache Spark. At Databricks, we’ve...
Event-time Aggregation and Watermarking in Apache Spark’s Structured StreamingMay 8, 2017 by Tathagata Das in Engineering Blog This is the fourth post in a multi-part series about how you can perform complex streaming analytics using Apache Spark. Continuous applications often...