By Customer Demand: Databricks and Snowflake IntegrationAugust 27, 2018 by Brian Dirking, Bill Chambers and Harsha Kapre in Announcements Today, we are proud to announce a partnership between Snowflake and Databricks that will help our customers further unify Big Data and AI...
Sharing R Notebooks using RMarkdownJuly 6, 2018 by Hanyu Cui and Hossein Falaki in Company Blog At Databricks, we are thrilled to announce the integration of RStudio with the Databricks Unified Analytics Platform. You can try it out now...
Announcing RStudio and Databricks IntegrationJune 27, 2018 by Brian Dirking, Hossein Falaki and Denny Lee in Partners At Databricks, we are thrilled to announce the integration of RStudio with the Databricks Unified Analytics Platform. You can try it out now...
Azure Databricks, industry-leading analytics platform powered by Apache Spark™March 22, 2018 by Ali Ghodsi and Rohan Kumar in Partners The confluence of cloud, data, and AI is driving unprecedented change. The ability to utilize data and turn it into breakthrough insights is...
Accelerate Innovation with Microsoft Azure DatabricksJanuary 22, 2018 by Brian Dirking in Company Blog It’s hard to believe that we are already three weeks into 2018. If you’re still struggling to get valuable insights from your data...