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Runtime para machine learning

Ambiente de machine learning otimizado pronto para uso


O Machine Learning Runtime (MLR) fornece aos data scientists e técnicos de ML clusters escaláveis com frameworks populares, AutoML integrado e otimizações para desempenho inigualável.


Frameworks of Choice

ML Frameworks are evolving at a frenetic pace and practitioners need to manage on average 8 libraries. The ML Runtime provides one-click access to a reliable and performant distribution of the most popular ML frameworks, and custom ML environments via pre-built containers.

Augmented Machine Learning

Accelerate machine learning from data prep to inference with built-in AutoML capabilities including hyperparameter tuning and model search using Hyperopt and MLflow.

Simplified Scaling

Go from small to big data effortlessly with an auto-managed and scalable cluster infrastructure. The Machine Learning Runtime also includes unique performance improvements for the most popular algorithms as well as HorovodRunner, a simple API for distributed deep learning.


Como funciona

O Machine Learning Runtime é uma sobreposição atualizada a cada atualização de versão do Databricks Runtime. Ele está disponível em toda a linha de produtos Databricks, incluindo: Azure Databricks, nuvem AWS, clusters de GPU e clusters de CPU.

Para usar o ML Runtime, basta selecionar a versão do ML do runtime ao criar seu cluster.

História de cliente

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