주요 컨텐츠로 이동

Databricks 지원 정책

Databricks는 전담 지원을 제공하는 다양한 플랜을 제공합니다
Databricks 플랫폼 및 Apache Spark™에 대한 적시 서비스

Mission Critical
Multicloud Support

Support for Databricks on permitted Cloud Service Providers and Databricks-powered services; complimentary Success Credits available based on commitment size

Single-Cloud Support

Support for platform services on a single-chosen Cloud Service Provider

Support Portal Access

Online repository of documentation, guides, best practices and more

Updates and Patches

Receive updates, bug fixes and patches without impact to your business

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Receive support responses according to issue severity

Initial Response Time

Mission Critical Severity

A mission-critical production system is down or severely impacted such that routine operation is impossible

Within 15 minutes

Standard Support Severity 1

Production system is down or severely impacted such that routine operation is impossible

Within 1
business day

Within 4 hours

Within 1 hour

Within 1 hour

Standard Support Severity 2

Production issue where the system is functioning but in degraded or restricted capacity

1 business day

Within 4 hours

Within 2 hours

Standard Support Severity 3

Issue where minor functionality is impacted or a development issue occurs

Within 1
business day

Within 4 hours

Standard Support Severity 4

Request for information or feature request with no impact on business operations

Within 1
business day

Support Service Hours

Live support during customer's choice of time zone

9 AM–6 PM,
business days

9 AM–6 PM,
business days

Severity 1 and 2: 24x7x365

Severity 3 and 4: 9 AM–6 PM, business days

Severity 1 and 2: 24x7x365

Severity 3 and 4: 9 AM–6 PM, business days

Databricks Standard Support

Limited to break-fix support for the Databricks platform

Databricks Chat Support Channel

Per customer dedicated real-time messaging (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams) channel available during business hours for informal communication between the two teams, such as basic questions and information exchange

Max Number of Technical Contacts

The number of technical contacts with access to the Databricks Help Center or Chat Support channel (if available)





Databricks Support for Spark

Prioritized access to the world's leading Spark technical experts for troubleshooting problems using the product and services

Up to 2

Up to 4

Up to 8

Up to 8

Additional Benefits — Mission Critical
Proactive Monitoring

Proactive monitoring of workspace-level health metrics by the Databricks Support Operations team

Escalation Management

Direct access to Databricks Escalation Managers for cases with mission critical severity

Support Services for Multi-Cloud Training (MCT, formerly MosaicML) Platform Services

  • Supported Customers who subscribe to Business or Enhanced tier Support Services for MCT Platform Services will receive Production-level SLA benefits during scheduled Hero Reservations.
  • Unsupported Customers who schedule Hero Reservations must purchase standalone Hero Reservation Support for the period of their Hero Reservation. Customers with standalone Hero Reservations support will receive Production-level SLA benefits during the period of their Hero Reservation with the following differences:
Spark Support


Max Number of Technical Contacts


정의 및 용어

  • 지원 업무 시간은 월요일부터 금요일까지 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지입니다(북미 표준 시간대(EST/CST/PST/MST), 중부 유럽(CET), 싱가포르/중국(SGT/CST) 및 호주 동부(AET) 표준 시간대). 지원 영업 시간은 각 시간대의 현지 공휴일을 제외합니다.
  • 채팅 지원 채널에는 지원 SLA 응답 시간이 적용되지 않습니다.
  • "연락처"는 고객의 고유한 지정 사용자(이메일 주소, 채팅 ID 등)를 의미하며, 계정은 공유할 수 없습니다.
  • 보고된 중요 업무용 심각도 문제의 경우 Databricks는 에스컬레이션 관리자를 할당하여 사례 해결을 모니터링 및 감독하고 15분 단위로 고객에게 업데이트를 제공합니다.
  • 지원 플랜에 포함된 것 이외의 추가 지원은 전문 서비스 팀에서 제공하는 자문 서비스로 구매할 수 있습니다.
  • 주문에 지원이 지정되지 않은 경우 고객의 지원은 Databricks 헬프 센터의 공개 설명서 및 공개 리소스로 제한됩니다.
  • 고객 지원 핸드북 을 통해 제공되는 리소스를 보고 지원 정의, 프로세스 및 조건에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인하십시오.

데이터 프로젝트를 가속화하려면 Databricks 전문가의 지속적인 지원, 사전 예방적 권장 사항 및 기술 코칭을 제공하여 지원을 보완하는 성공 가이드 구독 을 권장합니다.