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Helping buyers find the perfect homes to fit their needs


Increase in website click-through rates


Increase in customer conversions


Increase in property closing rates

INDUSTRY: Real Estate
CLOUD: Azure

Evolving sustainability and customer demands, coupled with rising inflation and interest rates, have driven a new era of rapid change for the real estate market. To stay competitive and evolve beyond traditional real estate, Sinyi Realty — Taiwan’s leading real estate solutions provider — looked to further integrate digital capabilities and innovative solutions into the business. The company’s key digital strategy was to provide cutting-edge data insights and hyper-personalized real estate services to over 5,000 employees across Taiwan, China, Japan and Malaysia. However, legacy infrastructure and siloed data operations impeded such ambitions to transform at scale. Sinyi Realty modernized their infrastructure on the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform, which unified data from different sources and automated data pipelines to meet their analytics and ML needs. The company can now cost-effectively deploy scalable and flexible models for targeted campaigns, deliver hyper-personalized recommendations to each customer, and stay agile amid tomorrow’s macroeconomic shifts.

Unifying data to power team collaboration and new opportunities

Sinyi Realty’s extensive network of property listings and over a million customers generates massive amounts of valuable data — including behavioral, demographics and session information — that is instrumental in providing personalized property-matching solutions to prospects and optimizing listing recommendations to increase sales conversions. However, managing such a large amount of data — approximately one petabyte — on an on-premise database can pose significant challenges, particularly when it comes to rapid and efficient data analysis.

The lack of a unified data architecture combined with siloed systems without a single source of truth meant that data teams were unable to gain accurate and relevant insights for informed decision-making. With legacy Microsoft SQL Server data warehouses that were disparate and complex to scale, the team struggled to efficiently build data pipelines that unlocked access to curated data sets for various teams and business stakeholders. As the company continued to expand, the increasing quantity of data was becoming significantly more challenging to manage and utilize.

To address the limitations of their legacy systems, Sinyi Realty chose to modernize their data infrastructure on the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform, giving them the ability to unify all their data into a common view for downstream analytics and ensure data teams across the organizations are able to perform advanced AI/ML on the integrated data — ultimately leading to better collaborative efforts and business impact.

Leveraging data and ML to deliver hyper-personalized recommendations

For Sinyi, a robust data analytics platform that could manage immense data sets, automate data pipelines, and generate valuable data-driven insights and analytics across their diverse services was critical. But beyond that, they needed a platform that reduced AI/ML model processing times to rapidly deliver accurate data insights and analytics to various business teams while also providing exceptional customer experiences with truly personalized property-matching solutions that cater to the unique needs and preferences of each client.

To drive AI democratization, Sinyi Realty leveraged Databricks Data Intelligence Platform and Delta Lake to enhance their in-house Property Recommender Solutions. It now serves as a single source of truth for thousands of consumer-centric attributes crowdsourced from different business touchpoints. Staff can securely access this democratized consumer data to create real-time and personalized recommendations in-app for each customer. And with Unity Catalog, data teams including analysts, scientists and engineers have increased their efficiency.

“Sinyi Realty is committed to digital transformation in pursuit of net-zero sustainability, aiming to enhance our business offerings and support the local economy. By leveraging the unified workspace and processing power that the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform provides, our data teams can rapidly query massive data sets from a single source and enhance our implementation of Sinyi’s proprietary Property Matching System to elevate customer experiences,” said Niko (Ko-Chin), Liang, Data Scientist at Sinyi Realty.

Since the launch of Sinyi Realty’s “AI Intelligent Recommendation System” in May 2022, they have observed positive momentum. As properties are not frequently traded and each property is unique, the use of the AI Intelligent Recommendation System for online platforms increases the effective exposure rate of properties. “With data at our fingertips, we are now able to easily build models that ensure properties are suitably matched with appropriate buyers,” explained Hung-Chi Chuang, Data Scientist at Sinyi Realty. “This has enabled the delivery of personalized recommendations that enhance the overall user experience on our website.”

Breaking new ground in real estate with data-driven decision-making

Sinyi Realty has achieved remarkable improvements in data processing and team efficiency since launching their AI Intelligent Recommendation System, powered by Databricks Data Intelligence Platform. And the impact to the business has been measurable, with a 7% increase in property impression and a 3% increase in click-through rates, collectively resulting in a 20% surge in the conversion rate of the recommendation page.

Looking ahead, as Sinyi Realty continues to foster a data-driven decision-making culture at the company, they are excited about their ability to deliver on their commitment to democratizing data to all data users across the organization and enabling greater ML capabilities to break new ground across the real estate landscape.