CDC Pipeline With Delta

Demo Type

Product Tutorial




What You’ll Learn

This demo will highlight how to implement a CDC (change data capture) flow with Spark API and Delta Lake.

CDC is typically done by ingesting changes from an external system (ERP, SQL databases) with tools like Fivetran, Debezium, etc.

In this demo, we’ll show you how to re-create your table consuming CDC information.

Ultimately, we’ll show you how to programatically scan multiple incoming folders and trigger N streams (one for each CDC table).

Note that CDC is made easier with Delta Live Tables (DLT). We recommend that you try the DLT CDC demo!


To install the demo, get a free Databricks workspace and execute the following two commands in a Python notebook

%pip install dbdemos
import dbdemos

Dbdemos is a Python library that installs complete Databricks demos in your workspaces. Dbdemos will load and start notebooks, Delta Live Tables pipelines, clusters, Databricks SQL dashboards, warehouse models … See how to use dbdemos


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CDC Pipeline With Delta Live Tables



Full Delta Live Tables Pipeline — Loan

demo thumb


Delta Lake