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Admin Isolation on Shared Clusters

October 10, 2022 by David Meyer and Joosua Santasalo in
This blog was co-authored by David Meyer, SVP Product Management at Databricks and Joosua Santasalo, a security researcher with Secureworks. At Databricks, we...

Enabling Massive Data Transformation Across Your Organization

March 16, 2020 by David Meyer in
The top four companies by market cap today (MSFT, APPL, AMZN, GOOG) are all software companies, running their businesses on data. This is...

Use Databricks Pools to Speed up your Data Pipelines and Scale Clusters Quickly

November 11, 2019 by Chris Stevens and David Meyer in
Data Engineering teams deploy short, automated jobs on Databricks. They expect their clusters to start quickly, execute the job, and terminate. Data Analytics...

New Microsoft Azure Data Warehouse Service and Azure Databricks Combine Analytics, BI, and Data Science

November 4, 2019 by David Meyer and Clinton Ford in
Read Rise of the Data Lakehouse to explore why lakehouses are the data architecture of the future with the father of the data...

Do you DIY your AI? You are probably failing on security.

November 5, 2018 by David Meyer in
This is Blog #2 in a series of blog posts about Databricks security. My colleague David Cook (our CISO) laid out Databricks' approach...