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Engineering blog

Introducing Mixtral 8x7B with Databricks Model Serving

Today, Databricks is excited to announce support for Mixtral 8x7B in Model Serving . Mixtral 8x7B is a sparse Mixture of Experts (MoE)...
Generative AI

LLM Training on Unity Catalog data with MosaicML Streaming Dataset

Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) have given us a way to generate text, extract information, and identify patterns in industries from healthcare to...
Engineering blog

Databricks ❤️ Hugging Face

Generative AI has been taking the world by storm. As the data and AI company, we have been on this journey with the...
Engineering blog

Getting started with NLP using Hugging Face transformers pipelines

February 6, 2023 by Paul Ogilvie and Maddie Dawson in Engineering Blog
Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have unlocked unprecedented opportunities for businesses to get value out of their text data. Natural Language Processing...