XML Data Ingestion With Spark on Databricks


On-Demand Video


10 minutes 29 seconds


What you’ll learn

In this video, we’ll explore how to process XML data efficiently using Apache Spark™ on the Databricks Platform. XML is a widely used format for storing and exchanging structured data, and Spark provides powerful capabilities for working with XML files.

We’ll cover various aspects of XML processing, including reading XML data into Spark DataFrames, validating against XSD schemas, handling schema evolution with Auto Loader, using SQL with XML and leveraging built-in SQL XML functions.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to work with XML data in Spark on Databricks, empowering you to tackle real-world XML processing tasks with confidence.


<p>Data Ingestion using Auto Loader</p>

On-Demand Video

Data Ingestion using Auto Loader

<p>Data Ingestion using Upload Data UI</p>

On-Demand Video

Data Ingestion using Upload Data UI

<p>Data Ingestion using COPY INTO</p>

On-Demand Video

Data Ingestion using COPY INTO

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