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Migrate from Hadoop

Move your legacy Hadoop platform to the Databricks Lakehouse


Hadoop has proven unscalable, overly complex and unable to deliver on innovative use cases. Migrating from Hadoop to Databricks will help you scale effectively, simplify your data platform and accelerate innovation with support for analytics, machine learning and AI.

The challenge with Hadoop

On-premises Hadoop deployments have significant limitations, including wasted hardware capacity, high DevOps burden, increased power costs and software version upgrades.

Even if you migrate legacy on-premises Hadoop workloads to cloud-based managed services like EMR, HDInsight or Dataproc, you’ll still run into the same reliability and scalability issues. This leads to a lot of time being wasted on troubleshooting, infrastructure, resource management overhead and stitching different managed services on the cloud to maintain an end-to-end pipeline.

To learn more about the challenges organizations face with on-premises as well as cloud deployments of Hadoop, check out these blogs:

Why migrate from Hadoop to the Databricks Lakehouse?


Simplify your data platform

Get a single modern platform for all your data, analytics and AI use cases. Unify governance and the user experience across clouds and data teams.

Scale cost-effectively

Stop managing servers, and scale on demand with serverless. Run data warehousing at scale with up to 12x better price/performance.

Accelerate innovation

Build AI, ML and real-time analytics capabilities faster with collaborative, self-service tools and open source technologies such as MLflow and Apache Spark™.

Migrate with confidence

Automated tools, technical guidance, partner solutions and professional services help you eliminate risk and accelerate your migration journey.

Ready to take your first step?

Ready to take your first step?

Migration resources


Step-by-Step Guide to Hadoop Migration

Watch now


Migrating From Hadoop to Data Lakehouse for Dummies

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Technical Guide

Migration Guide: Hadoop to Databricks

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Brickbuilder Solutions

Leverage Brickbuilder Solutions from leading consulting partners — built for migrating from Hadoop to the Databricks Lakehouse

Customers who have successfully migrated from cloud-based Hadoop to Databricks

Customers who have successfully migrated from on-premises Hadoop to Databricks


Migrating from a data warehouse?

Learn more

Get started

Migration doesn’t have to be a headache. Contact us today to talk about what it could look like for you.