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Kicking Off 2019 with an MLflow User Survey

January 8, 2019 by Matei Zaharia in
It’s been six months since we launched MLflow , an open source platform to manage the machine learning lifecycle, and the project has...

Introducing Databricks Library Utilities for Notebooks

Databricks has introduced a new feature, Library Utilities for Notebooks, as part of Databricks Runtime version 5.1. It allows you to install and...

Announcing Databricks Runtime 5.1

January 8, 2019 by Nakul Jamadagni in
We are excited to announce the release of Databricks Runtime 5.1. This release includes several new features, performance and quality improvements. We highly...

Introducing Databricks Runtime 5.1 for Machine Learning

Last week, we released Databricks Runtime 5.1 Beta for Machine Learning. As part of our commitment to provide developers with the latest deep...

A Guide to AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Talks at Spark + AI 2019

December 18, 2018 by Jules Damji in
To a good degree, this back-of-the-envelope flowchart, by Karen Hao of MIT Technology Review , charts to elucidate what constitutes the use of...

Introducing Built-in Image Data Source in Apache Spark 2.4

December 10, 2018 by Tomas Nykodym and Weichen Xu in
Introduction With recent advances in deep learning frameworks for image classification and object detection, the demand for standard image processing in Apache Spark...

CIO Survey: Top 3 Challenges Adopting AI and How to Overcome Them

December 5, 2018 by Michael Ortega in
We recently hosted the webinar — CIO Survey: Enterprise Challenges to AI and How to Overcome Them — featuring Jen Garofalo, Research Director...

Apache Avro as a Built-in Data Source in Apache Spark 2.4

Try this notebook in Databricks Apache Avro is a popular data serialization format. It is widely used in the Apache Spark and Apache...

Is your AI software vendor taking security shortcuts?

November 29, 2018 by David Cook in
This is the final part of our blog series on security available here . In this blog, I will be talking about our...

Databricks Shows off AWS Competencies at AWS re:Invent

November 27, 2018 by Michael Ortega in
Powering innovation on AWS in life sciences, public sector, machine learning, and big data analytics. Databricks, founded by the original creators of Apache...