Introducing Flint: A time-series library for Apache SparkSeptember 11, 2018 by Li Jin and Kevin Rasmussen in Company This is a joint guest community blog by Li Jin at Two Sigma and Kevin Rasmussen at Databricks; they share how to use...
A Guide to Apache Spark Use Cases, Streaming, and Research Talks at Spark + AI Summit EuropeSeptember 4, 2018 by Jules Damji in Company For much of Apache Spark’s history, its capacity to process data at scale and capability to unify disparate workloads has led Spark developers...
5 Reasons to Attend Spark + AI Summit Europe 2018August 27, 2018 by Singh Garewal in Announcements The world’s largest event for the Apache Spark Community By Singh Garewal Posted in COMPANY BLOG August 27, 2018 Spark + AI Summit...
Announcing Databricks Runtime 4.3August 27, 2018 by Todd Greenstein in Company I'm pleased to announce the release of Databricks Runtime 4.3, powered by Apache Spark. We've packed this release with an assortment of new...
Building a Real-Time Attribution Pipeline with Databricks DeltaAugust 9, 2018 by Caryl Yuhas and Denny Lee in Platform Get an early preview of O'Reilly's new ebook for the step-by-step guidance you need to start using Delta Lake. In digital advertising, one...
Loan Risk Analysis with XGBoost and Databricks Runtime for Machine LearningAugust 9, 2018 by Amy Wang and Denny Lee in Platform Try this notebook series in Databricks For companies that make money off of interest on loans held by their customer, it’s always about...
MLflow 0.4.2 ReleasedAugust 8, 2018 by Aaron Davidson and Denny Lee in Company Today, we’re excited to announce MLflow v0.4.0, MLflow v0.4.1, and v0.4.2 which we released within the last week with some of the recently...
A Guide to Data Science, Developer, and Deep Dive Talks at Spark + AI Summit EuropeAugust 7, 2018 by Jules Damji in Company In October 2012, Harvard Business Review put a spotlight on the data science career with a dedicated issue and a catchy claim: Data...
Get Certified on Apache Spark™ with DatabricksAugust 3, 2018 by Donna Weber in Company In a world of rapidly changing products, companies investing in technology need well-trained experts to run it. Certifications are a key differentiator in...
Bay Area Apache Spark Meetup Summary @ Databricks HQJuly 25, 2018 by Jules Damji in Company On July 19, we held our monthly Bay Area Spark Meetup (BASM) at Databricks, HQ in San Francisco. At the Spark + AI...